21st Mind Sports Olympiad
Join hundreds of board game enthusiasts and mental athletes at the 21st Annual Mind Sports Olympiad. This mental skills and games festival, with over sixty different board game tournaments alongside free Learn to Play sessions for newcomers and families, has something for everyone.
341-351 Finchley Road, NW3 6ET 倫敦
心靈運動奧林匹克運動會是一個國際性的活動,有超過60種不同的棋盤比賽,從象棋,拼字遊戲和去往新遊戲的經典遊戲,包括卡坦定居者,七大奇蹟,多米尼加,魔法聚會和卡爾卡松等。 紙牌遊戲人物,業餘撲克世界冠軍和橋樑,以及一般知識測驗,戰略,shogi和多米諾骨牌。 獨特的事件包括俄羅斯方塊(電視遊戲)和計算機編程錦標賽,以及超過十幾個世界冠軍,如記憶,心理計算和創意思維。 最負盛名的是Pentamind世界冠軍,它被授予具有五個不同比賽結果的競爭對手。 還有機會免費學習遊戲和玩耍。
首屆活動於1997年在倫敦舉行,獎金十萬英鎊,被描述為可能舉辦的最大的遊戲節。 這是第一個旨在創造一個奧運精神的事件,為每個事件頒發金,銀和銅牌。 心靈運動奧林匹克運動會每年繼續在英國舉行。
2017 Prizes
Junior (18 & under) and Senior prizes (60 & over) are applied based on the participant’s age as of the opening ceremony date. Money is always split but medals are determined via a tie-break if necessary.
Pentamind World Championship: £500 and a trophy for 1st, £150 for 2nd, and £75 for 3rd
£100 will be awarded to the Women/Senior/Junior’s Pentamind World Champion.
Eurogames World Champion: £100 and a trophy for 1st
Scrabble: £100 for 1st, £40 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Chess 960 British Championship: £160 for 1st, £80 for 2nd, and £40 for 3rd
Chess 5min: £40 for 1st, £20 for 2nd, and £15 for 3rd
Settlers of Catan: £100 for 1st, £40 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Diplomacy: £35 for 1st, £25 for 2nd, and £15 for 3rd
Chess Rapid: £100 for 1st, £50 for 2nd, and £25 for 3rd
Memory European Championship: £100 for 1st, £50 for 2nd, and £30 for 3rd
Creative Thinking World Championship: £100 for 1st, £50 for 2nd, and £25 for 3rd
Chess Exchange: £40 for 1st (i.e. £20 each), £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Entropy World Championship: £100 for 1st, £50 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Mental Calculations World Championship: £80 for 1st, £40 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Puerto Rico: £50 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Tetris: £40 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
VEGEtables: £100 for 1st, £50 for 2nd, and £25 for 3rd
Shogi: £60 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Lines of Action World Championship: £60 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Decamentathlon World Championship: £50 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Gomoku: £40 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Ken Ken and Sudoku: £80 for 1st, £40 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Chinese Chess: £100 for 1st, £75 for 2nd, and £25 for 3rd
Rummikub: £50 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Go 9×9: £60 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Go 13×13: £60 for 1st, £30 for 2nd, and £20 for 3rd
Go 19×19: £200 for 1st, £100 for 2nd, and £50 for 3rd
Amateur Poker World Championship: Trophy for 1st